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a child’s garden of verses(一个孩子的诗园).pdf

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a child’s garden of verses(一个孩子的诗园).pdf


文档介绍:A Child's Garden of Verses
A Child's Garden of
By Robert Louis Stevenson
A Child's Garden of Verses
To Alison Cunningham From Her Boy
For the long nights you lay awake And watched for my unworthy sake:
For your fortable hand That led me through the uneven land: For
all the story-books you read: For all the pains forted:
For all you pitied, all you bore, In sad and happy days of yore:-- My
second Mother, my first Wife, The angel of my infant life-- From the sick
child, now well and old, Take, nurse, the little book you hold!
And grant it, Heaven, that all who read May find as dear a nurse at
need, And every child who lists my rhyme, In the bright, fireside, nursery
clime, May hear it in as kind a voice As made my childish days rejoice!
R. L. S.
A Child's Garden of Verses
A Child's Garden of Verses
I Bed in Summer
In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In
summer quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day.
I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear
the grown-up people's feet Still going past me in the street.
And does it not seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?
II A Thought
It is very nice to think The world is full of meat and drink, With little
children saying grace In every Christian kind of place.
III At the Sea-side
When I was down beside the sea A wooden spade they gave to me To
dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup. In every hole the sea came up, Till it
e no more.
IV Young Night-Thought
All night long and every night, When my mama puts out the light, I
see the people marching by, As plain as day before my eye.
Armies and emperor and kings, All carrying different kinds of things,
And marching in so grand a way, You never saw the like by day.
So fine a show was never seen At the great circus on the green; For
every kind of beast and man Is