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文档介绍:Literature review
---The Great Gatsby

I. Introduction
Our group searched for 15 articles KI. The articles are published from March 20th, 2008 to February 1st, 2014. They can be divided into three categories. Four articles focus on character analysis, and five essays concern about themes, and six articles talk about writing techniques
II. Detailed Report
1 Character Analysis
According to the four articles we have read, three characters have been analyzed.
a. Daisy Fay Buchanan [1]

Daisy symbolizes Gatsby’s dream. She is a charming female who worships money in the Jazz Age.
As an Angel [1]
Born in a rich aristocratic family, Daisy is a beauty who has a fascinating voice which makes listeners adore. Everything on her seems all bright and dazzling.
As a Devil [15]
For Daisy, money is much more important than love. When Gatsby came back with great fortune, she struggled whether to go away with him or stay in her unhappy marriage. However, as she knew that Gatsby made money in an illegal way, she had no hesitation to discard Gatsby again. Daisy’s life is humdrum and aimless. She is addicted to parties and pleasure; She killed Myrtle Wilson and conspired with Tom to blame the death on Gatsby. After Gatsby’s death, she fled away and even did not attend his funeral. In short, She is indifferent, selfish and hypocritical as well
b. Jay Gatsby [2]
Gatsby is a uniqu