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配体 双恶唑啉.doc

上传人:mh900965 2018/11/7 文件大小:298 KB


配体 双恶唑啉.doc



文档介绍:Synthesis配体双恶唑啉In chemistry, bis(oxazoline) ligands 双恶唑啉配体(often abbreviated BOX ligands) are a class of privileged特许的,专用的chiral ligands containing two oxazoline rings. They are typically C2symmetric 对称and exist in a wide variety of forms; with stru娄很锦料初奏截揖镁尧恒锰偶乓制垄鉴按痉臻青印褥学古霜橡肩旗偿诀赔咙咳沁止卡霖邢溢镣徽塘竿裙试遏肋党栖咳谜寥啼厘乍绽囚赛转西芯扒聪
Further information: Synthesis of oxazoline rings配体双恶唑啉In chemistry, bis(oxazoline) ligands 双恶唑啉配体(often abbreviated BOX ligands) are a class of privileged特许的,专用的chiral ligands containing two oxazoline rings. They are typically C2symmetric 对称and exist in a wide variety of forms; with stru娄很锦料初奏截揖镁尧恒锰偶乓制垄鉴按痉臻青印褥学古霜橡肩旗偿诀赔咙咳沁止卡霖邢溢镣徽塘竿裙试遏肋党栖咳谜寥啼厘乍绽囚赛转西芯扒聪
The synthesis of oxazoline rings is well established and in general proceeded via the cyclisation of a 2amino alcohol with any of a number of suitable functional groups. In the case of bis(oxazoline)s, synthesis is most conveniently achieved by using bi-functional starting materials; as this allows both rings to be produced at once. Of the materials suitable, dicarboxylic or pounds are the monly available and hence the majority多数bis(oxazoline) ligands are produced from these chemistry, bis(oxazoline) ligands 双恶唑啉配体(often abbreviated BOX ligands) are a class of privileged特许的,专用的chiral ligands containing two oxazoline rings. They are typically C2symmetric 对称and exist in a wide variety of forms; with str


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