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The Concept of Law.doc

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The Concept of Law.doc



文档介绍:The Concept of Law
The History of the (1980—)
National Science Foundation created backbone called 56 work for institutions without access to . Vinton Cerf proposed a plan for an work connection between and the .
Activities Board (IAB) was created in 1983.
On January 1, every machine connected to had to use TCP/IP. TCP/IP became the core protocol and replaced NCP entirely.
The University of Wisconsin created Domain Name System (DNS). This allowed packets to be directed to a domain name, which would be translated by the server database into the corresponding IP number. This made it much easier for people to access other servers, because they no longer had to remember numbers.
The was divided into works: and . was to serve the needs of the military and to support the advanced ponent, Department of Defense continued to support works.
Upgrade to was contracted to MCI. New circuits would be T1 lines, Mbps which is twenty-five times faster than the old 56 Kbps lines. IBM would provide advanced routers and Merit would manage work. work was to be called
(National Science work), and old lines were to remain called .
The Engineering Task Force or IETF was created to serve as a forum for technical coordination by contractors for DARPA working on , US Defense work (DDN), and the core gateway system.
and merged to form the Corporation for Research and working (CREN), another work of the National Science Foundation.
Soon after pletion of the T1 backbone, traffic increased so quickly that plans immediately began on upgrading work again.
(Updated 8/2001) Merit, IBM and MCI formed a not for profit corporation called ANS, work & Services, which was to conduct research into high working. It soon came up with the concept of the T3, a 45Mbps line. NSF quickly adopted the work and by the end of 1991 all of its sites were connected by this new backbone.
While the T3 lines were being constructed, the Departmen