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Exploring Public Relations, 2nd Edition 外文翻译.pdf

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Exploring Public Relations, 2nd Edition 外文翻译.pdf



文档介绍:Exploring Public Relations
Exploring Exploring
Public Relations
Ralph Tench l Liz Yeomans Public Relations
Second Edition
Ralph Tench l Liz Yeomans
Exploring Public Relations is the definitive academic text on Public Relations. The first edition,
which published in 2006, has sold in its thousands and is now essential reading on courses in Second Edition
PR at undergraduate and postgraduate level. This second edition continues to provide a critical
analysis of the subject and a sophisticated blend of theory with real life, and includes many
case studies, activity exercises, discussion questions and full-colour photographs to illustrate
the discussions in the text.
New to this edition
l New chapter on ‘celebrity’, keeping up to date with the latest PR stunts
l Rewritten chapter on Media Relations responding to changes in this fast-moving area
l More case material on internationalisation/globalisation - from Asia and South America
specifically, showing the truly global nature of PR
l Glossary at the back of the book guiding the reader through the jargon
Professor Ralph Tench is professor of Liz Yeomans is subject leader for public
communications education at Leeds relations munications at Leeds Second
Metropolitan University. Ralph was the Metropolitan University. Since joining the Edition
subject leader for public relations and university in 1994, Liz has helped establish
communications at Leeds Metropolitan a centre of excellence in public relations
University for 10 years where he oversaw education and training. As well as Ralph Tench
the expansion of the undergraduate, contributing to the BA (Hons) Public
postgraduate and professional course Relations programme, she has developed
portfolio. He is widely published in books and taught new courses for working
and academic journals ranging from professionals – including the nationally
management to education journals and has recognised qualificatio