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The concept of the Buddha外文翻译.pdf

上传人:新起点 2015/11/12 文件大小:0 KB


The concept of the Buddha外文翻译.pdf


This book presents an analysis of one of the fundamental Mahayana Buddhist
teachings, namely the three bodies of the Buddha (the trikAya theory), which
is considered the foundation of Mahayana philosophy. The author traces
the development of the concept of the Buddha from the historical human
teacher in early Buddhism to the philosophical concept of three bodies, par-
ticularly the saNbhogakAya, which is the Buddha endowed with supernatural
attributes and qualities. The author’s translations from early and middle
Mahayana sEtras and XAstras make newly accessible a wealth of material.
This work is an outstanding research text for students and scholars of
Mahayana Buddhism and anyone interested in Buddhist philosophy.
Guang Xing obtained his . from the School of Oriental and African
Studies, the University of London, in 2003. He is a research assistant professor
at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, the University of Hong Kong. His research
interests are Chinese and Mahayana Buddhist studies, particularly the origin
of Mahayana.
General Editors: Charles S. Prebish and Damien Keown
RoutledgeCurzon Critical Studies in Buddhism is prehensive study of the Buddhist tradition. The
series explores plex and extensive tradition from a variety of perspectives, using a range of
different methodologies.
The series is diverse in its focus, including historical studies, textual translations mentaries,
sociological investigations, bibliographic studies, and considerations of religious practice as an
expression of Buddhism’s integral religiosity. It also presents materials on modern intellectual his-
torical studies, including the role of Buddhist thought and scholarship in a contemporary, critical
context and in the light of current social issues. The series is expansive and imaginative in scope,
spanning more than two and a half millennia of Buddhist history. It is receptive to


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