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The Proof-of-work Concept外文翻译.docx

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The Proof-of-work Concept外文翻译.docx


June 24, 2013 · by Daniel · in Article, Bitcoin
The Search
Perhaps the least intuitive aspect of the work is the proof-of-work concept it uses to define the requirement for the generation of a new set of transactions (“block“) to be added to the distributed transaction database (“block chain“). This concept, which grew out of ideas from the early cypherpunk movement1, is new to ary theory and feels a little out of place puter science too. I will show that biology gives us the most suitable framework for understanding it.
All the blocks in the Bitcoin block chain have a short string of meaningless data—called a nonce—attached to them. The puters are required to search for the right meaningless string such that the block as a whole satisfies a certain arbitrary condition. Specifically, it is required that the SHA-256 hash of the block have a certain number of leading  are one-way functions, so there is no easy way to find the right nonce or otherwise to engineer a block to be correct. The only known way to find a good nonce is to simply to try randomly until one turns out to work. Khan Academy provides a visual explanation of proof-of-work:
The procedure, remember, is totally arbitrary. It is simply an plication, like a ritual, so as to make blocks more difficult to generate. Really anything else would do, as long as it putationally diff


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