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Environmental Disturbances Lesson 1.ppt

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Environmental Disturbances Lesson 1.ppt

上传人:begeckno 2011/10/26 文件大小:0 KB


Environmental Disturbances Lesson 1.ppt


文档介绍:Environmental Disturbances
Created for SPICE by Miss. Deliz
Environmental Disturbances
An environmental disturbance is an event with the potential to harm the environment.
What is an Environmental Disturbance?
Types of Disturbances
There are two main types of Environmental Disturbances:
Natural and Anthropogenic
Natural- naturally occurring disturbances.
Anthropogenic- disturbances caused by human action.
Natural disturbances:
hurricanes, fire, drought, flooding, changes in temperature, predation.
Anthropogenic disturbances:
deforestation, mining, over fishing, air and water pollution.
Can you mention different examples of Environmental Disturbances?
Effect of Disturbances
Short term effect- the ecosystem immediate reaction to the disturbance.
Long term effect- will depend on the ecosystem response and recovery to the disturbance.
How to Protect Resources
Conservation- efficient utilization of natural resources like fossil fuels, forest and water; avoiding depletion of natural ecosystem diversity and


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