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ExploringTibet - Chronology of Travel in Asia & Tibet.pdf.pdf

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ExploringTibet - Chronology of Travel in Asia & Tibet.pdf.pdf



文档介绍:ExploringTibet - Chronology of Travel in Asia & Tibet ● You are not a member of this wiki. Join now Dismiss guest| Join | Help | Sign In Chronology of Travel in Asia & Tibet Edit 0 0 81 … Tags ● none View As Print · PDF Other Notify · RSS · Backlinks · Source 11th century Milarepa (1040-1123) "opened" Lapchi ( la phyi ) and spent years there and at Kailash, see Shabkar p. 443 12th century Drigung Jigten Gonpo (1143-1217) sent hermits to three holy mountains in southern Tibet: Kailash, Lapchi, Tsari with an administrator (Dordzin) as representative of Drigung Monastery to oversee them, see Shabkar 343 13th century 1213-1221 Drukpa Kagyu lama Gyelwa Gotsangpa opened Kailash as a sacred site, see Shabkar p. 346 1245 Italian Franciscan John of Plano Carpini & Polish Franciscan Brother Benedict sent as Papal envoys to Mongol court 1247 John of Plano Carpini wrote Historia Mongolorum , textbook cultural history of Mongol Empire; included first European description of Chinese 1253 Flemish Franciscan William of Rubruck and Italian Franciscan Barolomeo of Cremona left as missionaries to Mongol court 1255 William of Rubruck , letter addressed to the missionary and military interests of his patron, crusader King Louis IX, map of route to Mongolia 1270s Turkic, Uighur or Onggut (Mongol) Nestorian monks Rabban Sauma and Rabban Mark set out from Mong