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文档介绍:Engineering Master Degree Dissertation of Chongqing University Research on Environmental Protection Plan of Longxing Town in Yubei District Master Candidate: Wang Dong Supervisor: Prof. Xu Longjun Pluralistic Supervisor: Zhao Qing Major: Environmental Engineering College of Resources and Environmental Science Chongqing University October 2007 I 摘要本文概述了小城镇环境规划的理论基础以及环境规划目标与指标体系、程序与方法。根据重庆市渝北区龙兴镇的总体规划,调查分析龙兴镇的环境质量现状, 制定各规划水平年的环境保护目标和相应措施,以逐步改善生态环境质量、使环境与经济协调发展。目前,龙兴镇存在环境保护投资不足,各项环境保护设施缺乏等问题。如果不采取相应的有效措施,随着经济的发展和人口的增加,环境空气质量和水环境质量都将进一步恶化,进而直接影响到全镇的经济发展和人民的身体健康。为了改善龙兴镇的环境质量,规划研究认为应当严格控制“三废”排放量,提高“三废”处理能力和综合利用能力,确保工业废水 100% 的处理率和达标率。并且,分两期完成城市污水处理厂建设,完善雨污管道系统,确保 2020 年镇内地表水水质全面保持或优于《重庆市地面水水域功能类别划分规定》的标准。加强全镇的绿化建设、生态农业建设和自然景观生态建设,确保到 2020 年各项环境空气质量指标均优于二级,镇内污水处理率达到 80% 以上,建成区绿化覆盖率大于 40% ,生活垃圾无害化处理率达到 98% ,初步形成社会、经济与环境协调发展的良好局面。关键词: 环境规划,龙兴镇,环境保护,污染控制 II ABSTRACT The basic theory, aim, procedure and measure of the environmental programming of small town, of the environmental planni ng have benn reviewed. In the light of the collectivity program ming of Longxing town in Yubei Di strict, the environmental quality actuality is investigated, and the target of environmental protection and its relevant measures constituted. It is useful for impr oving its environmental quality step by step and making the environment and economy develop harmoniously and achieving sustainable development of economy. Nowadays, problems faced in Longxing town are lack of environmental protection investments and environmental protection faci lities. The prediction results of population and the development indexes of economy indica te that the quality of air and water will be further execrable if the necessary measures aren’t adopted, even influence the economic development and the health of residents. In order to improve the environmental quality of Longxing town, it is es sential to strictly control the discharged quantities of wastes. The treatment capacity prehen