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文档介绍:◆ I. 听句子,选答语
( )1. A. Don’t mention it. B. Sounds like a good idea!
C. It doesn’t matter.
( )2. A. They work hard. B. They are my teachers.
C. They are still read by many people.
( )3. A. I write an article about it. B. I read it. C. I like it.
( )4. A. What’s up? B. Good idea. C. It’s a pity.
( )5. A. I’m looking for some books. B. I’ll buy some books.
C. I was interviewing a famous thinker.
◆ II. 听短对话,选出问题的正确答案
( )6. Who is the writer of the book in Betty’s hand?
A. Shakespeare. B. Confucius. C. Mark Twain.
( )7. Why were people punished in the book?
A. They avoided work. B. They did something bad.
C. They left their hometown.
( )8. What is in the river in the story?
A. An island. B. A big ship. C. Some pirates.
( )9. Who are the main readers of the book?
A. Old people. B. Children. C. Young parents.
( )10. Where did the boy go?
A. He went to a shop. B. He went to a river.
C. He went to a cave.
◆ III. 听长对话,选出问题的正确答案
( )11. What is Mr. Kessler doing?
A. He is interviewing someone. B. He is talking with his friend.
C. He is giving an interview.
( )12. Where is Mr. Kessler from?
A. He’s from the UK. B. He’s from the USA.
C. He’s from Canada.
( )13. How often does Mr. Kessler go abroa