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经典少儿英语故事100字-小兔子智斗大老虎 少儿故事大灰狼和小兔子

In the forest, there lived a fierce tiger, often eat the animals in the forest. So, we are all afraid of him.
One day, the dog President held a meeting. At the meeting, he said: “the big tiger often eat the animals in the forests, continue like this, the forest will be destroyed. Who dare to, kill a tiger?” A listen to these words, was noisy in the hall immediately grew quiet. Suddenly, a tiny voice, “I go to!” You see, it is little rabbit. In the beginning, the meeting is still very quiet, after a while, erupted out of the rolling thunder laughter. Everyone thought: the rabbit is really, don”t consider their own weight.
The next morning, the little rabbit to discuss with Mr. Ma for a moment, and Mr. Ma goes to the tiger.
They came to a small river, saw the tiger are grazing, on the other side! The tiger saw it, they coming towards them, want to catch them. At this moment, the rabbit immediately from riding the horse on the face of a horse, horse quickly fell to the ground dead. The tiger was frightened, he has never seen a slap can shoot dead a horse rabbit.
The rabbit said to the tiger: “we will match jump. I jump from here on the other side, you from the other side to jump here, who wins, who ate.” The tiger didn”t even want to want to