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文档介绍:festival dl3
1 月 1 日春节 the Spring Festival
除夕 the New Year's Eve
1 月 15 元宵节 the Lantern Festival (a traditional Chinese festival, which is celebrated by the Chinese in many countries. On the Chinese lunar calendar, it is on the fifteenth day of the first month, making it the first major festival after the Chinese New Year) observe
月 4 日清明节 the Pure Brightness Festival; Qingming Festival (a traditional Chinese festival, occurring on April 4 (leap years) or April 5 (other years) of the Gregorian calendar. It marks the middle of spring and above all, a sacred day of the dead)
The Tomb-Sweeping Day
The Pilgrimage to the West
5 月 5 Dragon Boat Festival (falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)
月 15 中秋节 the Moon Festival or the Mid-Autumn Festival (on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month)
月 9 日重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival
12 月 8 日腊八节 the Laba Rice Porridge Festival
3月8日:国际劳动妇女节the International Working Women's Day
3月12日:中国植树节Arbor Day
arbor.(由藤蔓爬缘或树枝交织而成的)凉亭,棚架[C]树木, 乔木[C] pavili on pagoda
A shady resting place in a garden or park, often made o latticework (格子或格状结构)on which plants, such as climbing shrubs or vines, are grown.
凉亭,藤架:花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石 工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤
月 1 日:国际愚人节 April Fools' Day (April 1, celebrated in various countries, including the United States and Great Britain, and marked by the playing of practical jokes)
月 1 日:国际劳动节(1889)the International Labor Day;
May Day
5月4日:中国青年节(1939) the Youth Day
5月第二个星期日:母亲节Mother's Day (the second Sun day in May, observed in the Un ited States as a day honoring mothers)
月 31 日:世界无烟日 World's No Tobacco Day (It is celebrated around the world every year on May 31. The Member States of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes)
月 1 日:国际儿童节 the International Children's Day
6 月 5 日:世界环境日 the World Environment Day (June 5th)
6月第三个星期日:父亲节Father's Day