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文档介绍:The story is told in the first person by Nick Carraway, a quiet young Midwesterner. In1922, Nick leaves home todo business in New York City. He rents a small house in West Egg and next door to his house is the enormous house of Mr. Gatsby. One evening, Nick dines with a distant cousin, Daisy and gets toknow her husband Tom and Jordan Baker, an attractive young golfer. Nick is invited toone of Gatsby ’s parties and learns that Daisy and Gatsby were in love before. The reunion takes place and Nick has e involved with Jordon Baker. Tom later finds that his wife is in love with Gatsby and makes a conspiracy to have Gatsby killed. In the end of the story, Gatsby is shot to death bya man and Nick is in charge of his funeral. Although he wants to provide him with a decent funeral, noone wants attend except for his father and servant. Nick realizes that the rich are careless and destructive. Daisy once was Gatsby ’s girlfriend ,but she married to another man because she couldn ’t wait any more. Sometimes we can think it was Gatsby ’s poverty that leads to apartness of the two people. However, though Daisy got away from Gatsby for several years, Gatsby still had some beautiful dream s and he always thought one day these dreams could be fulfilled. But he did not know Daisy had changed. She was a stupid, selfish, vulgar, beautiful empty shell rather than a pure, lovely girl as before. Gat