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文档介绍:Lecture 3: Cover Letter
Objectives: in this section, you will learn
What is a cover letter
(Two types of cover letter)
The format of a cover letter
Guidelines: How to create your own cover letter
1. Cover letter
A cover letter or covering letter or motivation letter or motivational letter or letter of motivation is
a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitae.
2. Two types
Cover letters generally fall into one of two categories:
Letter of application: applying for a specific, advertised opening.
Letter of inquiry: expressing interest in an organization, but you are not certain if there are current openings.
Writing for employment Cover letter, Curriculum vitae, Letter of recommendation, Personal statement.
Some other cover letters:
broadcast Letter,
follow-up letter,
thank-you letter,
reference letter,
counteroffer letter
3. Format
1 page maximum, business format
Cover letters are generally divided into a header, introduction, body, and closing
Reading and discussion
Read the sample cover letters and find out the functions of each part of the header, introduction, body, and closing.
Sample 1
Salley Kooman 1 Diamond Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
Valerie Jones Editorial Director Argonaut Press 123 42nd Street New York, NY 10000
October 20, 2003
Introduction/Opening paragraph
Dear Ms. Jones,
I am responding to your advertisement in The New York Times listing an open assistant editor position at Red Ink Press. I believe that I meet the qualifications for this position and would like to submit my name for consideration.
Body paragraph 1
As you can see from my enclosed résumé, I have written for several local publications as a freelance contributor (see enclosed writing samples) and I have editorial experience from my time on the editorial board of The Banner, a weekly college newspaper with a circulation of 5,


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