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文档介绍:写给女朋友的英文情书写给女朋友的英文情书 1、 When the first time e meet, I had some speial feeling that I've never had before. I an not sa exatl hat's it, but I an never forget it, and I feel like seeing something good that make me smile to nobod, at like a fool, people feel strange hen seeing me smiling happil ithout anone ith me saing feel like lost in the happiness of thinking of ou, and it happens everda. Your pleasant smile make me like staing in the spring ind, our prett image is arved inm mind. I like to hear our voie, I like to staing ith ou. Your kindness also me feel relax, I belive ith ou it's the most luk gift that god gives to me. 当我第一次我们相见,我有一种从未有过的特殊感觉,我也不知道如何去形容这种美好的感觉,但是我永远都不会忘记这种美好,像是看见了美好的事物发出由衷的赏而同时拥有的愉悦那样。有时候我因此而像个傻瓜,会自己甜甜地笑出来,路人看见我都觉得奇怪,我怎么没有与人讲话而独自微笑, 沉浸在这种幸福之中, 沉浸在想起你的快乐中。这样的事情每天都发生好几次。你甜美的笑容, 让我如在春天的微风里, 那样清晰惬意; 你的倩影在我脑海雕刻成画,让我随时可以欣赏。你柔美的声音更让我沉醉。我喜欢和你呆在一起, 我喜欢听你的声音。你的善解人意让我感觉到放松。我相信能与你相爱是上天赐予我最美好的礼物。 2、 The love ou so desperatel seek is here inm arms. You've often asked h I'm not interested in an of the men ho hit on me hen e're all out. I've alas told ou the eren't the one for me. No I'm telling ou that ou are the one for me. You ’ re the one I dream about. No one an make me laugh like ou, even hen I'm knee deep in tears. The reason I've been alone for five longs ears is this: I've been aiting for ou to see the love