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the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excelwork light ideal demands, interests and belief choices" the influence, eroded our spiritual pursuits, relaxing our self, team loyalty, awareness, situation awareness, professionalism has weakened, as inadequate. (B) the party spirit has ... , Practice area, people's achievement in perspective, time correction performance oriented, unable to stick to seeking truth from facts, scientific attitudes, pragmatic style, and interests of the people as the starting point and the end point for all the work, establish stand the test of practice, history, and the people's performance. Third, to benefit, the ability to resist temptation. Not always adhere to the party and the people's interests above everything else. Personal interests conflict with the interests of the party and the people, when fear of sacrifice.   On the relationship of give and take, not completely content to the poor and selfless dedication; on dealing with rights and obligations cannot be self-disciplined and law-abiding. In General, there are many reasons, both issues not strict with themselves, there is vulnerability, external constraint is not strong because of institutional mechanisms. But read between the lines, or personal ideals and beliefs on the root causes landslides, professionalism, responsibility is not strong, "four winds" problem rectification is not complete, no real issues of world Outlook, Outlook on life and Outlook on the "master switch" problem. All "not false" questions, if you do not attach great importance to solve, great harm. Part provincial University leaders disciplinary illegal case lessons told we, on personal,, self
the building of grassroots organizations of the party has in place comprehensive and excellent decision, unbalanced development of grass-roots party organizations in schools, fully equipped with strong party branch secretaries, standardized bran


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