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共 5 页

  In the evening, I said, in accordance with the partners - hang Christmas stockings on the bed and fell asleep.
  His socks in the second day, I went to see, really have a gift, Im so happy, with a gift to give mom and dad to see sitting in the living room. Mom and dad, look. I pointed to the present smiled and said, this is Santa Claus gave me, I said thats true! Dad also smiled said: really have Santa Claus! Oh! How nice! Ha ha!
  The next four years, I also received a Christmas gift. At Christmas when I was about 10 years old, I thought: whats it like in Santa Claus? Not, he presents to come tonight, first look at the good.
  Today, I had a fun Christmas. In today morning, when the teacher told us the story of Christmas and the legend of Santa Claus, and so on.
  The most interesting is the afternoon. In the afternoon, we class the students first made a handmade CARDS together, then share the peace fruit - an apple to eat.
  Manual is the teacher idea. This card is for mom and dad, thank them for a year of hard work to take care of us. Manual method is: merry Christmas on the cover, there is a pine tree, the pine trees on both sides is some of my paintings about Christmas figures