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文档介绍:德语人体谚语 2 (German body proverbs 2)
German proverb idiom idioms collection of human body (lower) -arm, hand, fingers, leg, an, etw. , legen, finishing the work
Zwei, Linke, H, NDE, haben, all thumbs
Eine, Offene, Hand, haben (financially) are generous and generous
Die, ffentliche, Hand countries, authorities, the public
Js. rechte Hand Sein is someone's right-hand man
Reine/saubere, H, NDE, haben, incorruptible, innocent, innocent
Politik, der, starken, Hand, iron fist policy
Beide, H, NDE, VOLL, Zu, Tun, haben are so busy
Jn. , an, die, Hand, nehmen, holding someone's hand
Jm. , an, die, Hand, geben help someone
Hand, an, Sich, legen, suicide
Die, Hand, auf, etw. , haben, possession of something, possession of something
Hand aufs Herz speak the truth (ask for or prove yourself)
Jn. auf H NDE? Tragen to pamper someone, love sb.
Aus, der, Hand, without foundation, without verification
Aus erster Hand comes from the first hand
Etw. , Aus, der, Hand, legen, let go of something
Jm. etw. aus der Hand nehmen deprive sb of the power or qualification to do something
Etw. , Bei, der, Hand, haben, have something on hand
MIT, etw. , Schnell, Bei, der, Hand, Sein, very quickly...
the hand for life rich 同某人结婚
in the h? on 说干就干 spit
in scissors h? his 在可靠的人手里 nd
in solid h? nd (某物)已有买主;(女子)已订婚或结婚
in good h? come on落到了可靠之人的手上;托给了可靠的人
all the cards in the h? have / keep据有非常有力的形势nd占 有巨大优势;
all f? the matter in hand掌握某事的关键;能掌控某事
smth. against in the hand / hold 手中握有某人的把柄
smth. f? lit jm. in the h?某物偶然被某人发现nde
his heart in the hands of 鼓足勇气
the legs are in the hands of 溜之大吉
jm. smth. play into the hands of私下巧妙地将某物送与某人
in other h? on转入他人之手move
with a light touch轻而易举的,不花力气的
with the left hand 随手,信手
about, with h? to find work,某事是显而易见的 smth. with geschmatzten h? it 非常乐意接受某事 nd
with h? nd and feet against smth. resist 极力抵制某事
with full h?大手大脚的nd
smth. under the hand 私下出卖某物 sell
smth. among the h? have长时间从事某工作nd
not be dismissed out of hand很明显的,很有