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文档介绍:凤凰古城全攻略(Phoenix Town Raiders)
Phoenix Town Raiders
This has been one of the Chinese New Zealand writer Louis Eli callethe ancient city of nine tourist attractions tickets, the use of one vote system 148 yuan. The ticket office is next to the Cultural Plaza, the tourist office ticket window, and another ticket office in Hongqiao.
The Former Residence of Shen Congwen
The recommended level * * *
In December 28, 1902, the famous writer, historian and archaeologist, Mr. Shen Congwen was born here, a small courtyard with a Ming and Qing architectural style. There is a courtyard in the middle of the small courtyard, a total of 10 rooms, it is Shen Congwen's grandfather, Shen Hong was built in the early years of the Tongzhi reign of Qing dynasty. Shen Congwen spent his childhood and boyhood here.
Three things here, is a memorial Shen old, nostalgia: two is to buy the old Shen book: three is a memorial in a book cover seal, any time after reading, can remember the happy time. Located in the ancient city of Ying Ying Street, No. 10.
Nature: history, humanity, ancient architecture, photography
Traffic directions: just inside the ancient city, you can walk there
Opening hours: winter, 8:00~5:30, summer, 7:30~6:00
Tickets: the main attractions within the city by a vote, the original city eight in early 08 to nine. The fare is 148 yuan / person
Xiong Xiling5 s former residence
The recommended level * * *
An alley is located in the ancient city of North Star Street in. Covers an area of 800 square meters, doors and windows for the wooden structure, or carved or painted on it, modeling generous, exquisite workmanship, is typical of the Miao ancient courtyard construction model, rich ethnic customs.
Nature: landscape, history, humanity, ancient architecture
Traffic directions: within the ancient city, on foot
Opening hours: winter, 8:00~5:30, summer, 7:30~6:00
Tickets: belong to the ancient city of nine king, the use of
148 yuan ticket can watch
Yang ancestral tem


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