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文档介绍:叶脉书签就是除去表皮和叶肉组织,而只由叶脉做成。书签上可以看到中间一条较粗 壮的叶脉称主脉,在主脉上分出许多较小的分支称侧脉;侧脉上又分出更细小的分支 称细脉。这样一分再分,最后把整个叶脉系统联成网状结构。把这种网状叶脉染成各 种颜色,系上or more good-looking.
In fact not so dangerous, although the alkaline water is corrosive and is not very big,, there is no problem in my hands, just don't contact for a long time. Doing this kind of veins bookmarks to mesophyll leaves itself texture is soft, clear veins hard outside, in the process of brush forcibly even. Usually makes almost every one is there is any breakage. This is to make a complete of the veins bookmarks is rare.
Material selection and processing
1. The leaves. General with evergreen woody plants, as well. Such as osmanthus leaf, heather, papaya leaf, eucalyptus leaves, tea leaves, yulan, etc.
Sodium hydroxide veins bookmarks (8).
Anhydrous sodium carbonate.
A beaker.
The hob.
The alcohol lamp.
Qualitative soft old toothbrush.
Glass brush Ye Maishi (pad)
The selected leaves used as a bookmark to meet two requirements:
1, the veins reticulate venation. Lateral veins such as gingko leaves, needle leaf such as pine needles are not desirable.
2, veins clear, complete, and in this way can we make sure the veins does not corrode with mesophyll and also reduce the incidence of veins was brushed off when removing mesophyll.
Production methods
A, rapid manufacturing method
1. Choose blade. Choose veins thick and dense leaves. In b


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