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文档介绍:The Culture of Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum is a 2006 fantasy edy film based on the 1993 children's book with the same name by Milan Trenc. It follows a divorced father trying to settle down, impress his son, and find his destiny. He applies for a job as a night watchman at New York City's American Museum of Natural History and subsequently discovers that the exhibits, animated by a magical Egyptian artifact, come to life at night.
The story of this collection took place in the Smithsonian Museum , this is the world's largest plex, a total of 18 museums, preservation of more than 100 million pieces of art and precious specimens. Ben Stiller to make the protagonist that "exhibits" have a greater than in New York space, and also told the audience: this will have more "members" to join.
In addition there will be a sequel to the famous former . President Abraham Lincoln, the rest of the new members of the same can not be underestimated, from Napoleon in France, from Russia, Ivan IV, from the evil Pharaoh of Egypt, as well as the United States General Custer legend and so all figures show, people have amazing: so many political, military genius battle, it is not surprising to have to go wrong making. Of course, several have appeared in the previous focus on the familiar faces will continue to pany Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson plays such as micro-denim, as well as Robin