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上传人:lanyou1106 2017/11/29 文件大小:1.21 MB




With scientific and technological and socio-economic development, high-rise buildings have e the hallmark of modern cities. As vertical lift equipment, a lot of people bear the transportation and logistics, its role in building essential. At the same time, it has to lift the performance requirements are also increasing, such as reliability, easy to operate, comfortable nature, low noise, consumption, and so on. But the elevator as an important traffic in skyscraper,it also has developed quickly with the improving requirement of the People. It’s dragging technology has developed from DC timing to AC variable frequency timing and It’s logic control-relay control also has been replaced by PLC. using PLC to control the elevator,the reliability is improved and the feeling fort 15 better through the reasonable selection and design,so the effect of control is more ideal. In order to meet fort, improve transporting efficiency and reach the right floor, the given curve of an elevator is a key point. Most of people’s sensitivity on changing speed is about acceleration movement. Comfort means acceleration and deceleration on smoothness. To acquire fort, the starting and braking curves design of the elevator posed of two s-curves and one beeline. Through adjusting the acceleration time and that of the s-curve’s, ideal starting and braking curves are gained.
This paper, based on the introduction of the elevator's basic structure, expatiates the drive and control principle of elevator, and analyzes how to use the PLC t


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