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上传人:rovend 2017/12/17 文件大小:27 KB





文档介绍:关于河南历史的一个整体介绍 China is one of the four countries with ancient civilization in the world. As one of the largest provinces of China, Henan province is the main birthplace of Chinese ancient culture. Henan is a great natural and historical museum, which is the right place for the tourists to seek oriental culture.
Henan, the cradle of Chinese Civilization
On this amazing land, great civilizations had been created, ranging back in time to the Peiligang culture (dating back to 8000 years), Yangshao culture (dating back to 6000 years) and Longshan culture (dating back to 5000 years). Henan has many historical sites, such as Taihao Grave, located in Huaiyang (a county in southeast of Henan), which is the mausoleum of Fuxishi, the Great Ancestor of China. And Xinzheng city is the native place of Yellow Emperor (a legendary ruler of China in remote antiquity). There are many great and famous people from Henan. Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, great thinkers and founders of Taoism of the late Spring and Autumn Period, are both from Henan. The world famous ancient scientist and astrologer Zhang Heng and the great musician Zhu Zaiyu are also from Henan. The Chinese ancestors created a marvelous civilization and made glorious achievements that all Chinese take pride in.
“Once being the political and economic center of the nation for centuries, Henan occupies a prominent position in the history of


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