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卡罗拉 充电电路.doc

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卡罗拉 充电电路.doc



文档介绍:Part One Building up Your Vocabulary and Grammar
1.        Archer had always been to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping people's lots. [1].
a)        A. declined B. inclined C. subjected D. submitted
2.        There's been a decline in the standard of living over the past few years. [2].
a)        A. continual B. vertical C. constant D. progressive
3.         The plumber ing tomorrow to the new washing machine. [3].
a)         A. equip B. fix C. install D. decorate
4.        She is about her chances of winning a gold medal. [4].
a)        A. optimistic B. enjoyable C. agreeable D. realistic
5.        To a , it is possible to educate oneself. [5].
a)        A. extent B. degree C. range D. level
6.        They endured hours of backbreaking work in conditions. [6].
a)        A. favorable B. feasible C. miserable D. tolerable
7.        He just laughed and my proposal as unrealistic. [7].
a)        A. discarded B. discharged C. dismissed D. disgusted
8.        After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to . [8].
a)        A. cease B. ease C. loosen D. release
9.        In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at of 15 seconds. [9].
a)        A. spans B. periods C. sessions D. intervals
10.    She into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap. [10].
a)        A. bumped B. knocked C. hit D.


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