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关键词: 建设工程投标决策投标策略报价技巧
With China's accession to WTO and the socialist market economy, continuous development and improvement, construction project bidding has e increasingly standardized and institutionalized. How to master the bidding strategies and techniques to improve rate of essful bidder must examine every important issue. This decision-making from the start of bidding before the introduction of the bidders in the whole bidding process should be to master the bidding strategies and offer tips, the intention is on the bidding strategy and techniques of research and analysis, give the tender bidding rate for enterprises to improve some help . Bidders make tender the work to make the necessary prerequisites for the preparations. Bidder's bid to master some basic strategies,for the sudden price reduction law, law unbalanced bidding strategies and skills such tender offer is the bidder should master, in this based on the rational use of certain auxiliary tender means the essful bidder will greatly increase the probability of winning. Bidding decision-making throughout the bidding process, bidders should have some basic decision-making methods, the paper content, influencing factors, the principle on aspects of how to tender for decision-making. In the bidding process is most important is the bidding strategy, bidders must master, This paper describes the disequilibrium price method, and so many programs offer law bid of


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