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三馆一厅 长沙简介.docx

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三馆一厅 长沙简介.docx

上传人:xunlai783 2017/12/18 文件大小:143 KB


三馆一厅 长沙简介.docx



文档介绍:How are you doing today? I’m so excited because we can go out this afternoon. It will take about 1hour to get our destination, so we still have some time to chat. Today, we’re going to visit Changsha Planning Exhibition Hall. They will provide a guide with us, but she can only speak Chinese. So I think it’s a great opportunity for Mandy to learn Chinese. But you should listen carefully, because at the end of visiting, you should finish a task, that is , it’s your turn to be a tour guide, to introduce Changsha for Mandy in English. Now, I divide you into 4 groups, 4 guys a group. I’ll give a topic for every group; your topic will be decided by drawing lots.
What? Why. Changsha Planning Exhibition Hall
What---- it exhibits the history, current situation and future planning of Changsha. Through the advanced sound and light technology, It shows the breathtaking view, profound culture and modern city development of Changsha. Exhibition is located in Xinhe delta, where the xiang river and liuyang river meet. Except planning exhibition hall, there are another three buildings in xinhe delta, which are called “ three centers and one hall “。 Changsha library, Changsha Museum, Changsha Concert Hall. Some of you may think it’s boring to visit museum or exhibition. But I can tell you , this exhibition is not what you think, it has lots of interactive entertainment equipment, such as Cin


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