e all kno tagore.this famous indian poet one said,“life is given to us, and e earn it b giving it.” as the saing goes, nature is given to us, and e earn it b ontributing to it. hoever, most people noadas just ant to ask for more from the nature. in fat, the do ver little ontribution to the nature. therefore, the environment around us is being orse and orse. do ou often use batteries? then do ou kno it takes 50 times more energ to make them than the produe? and just one simple batter an pollute as muh ater as a person an drink in his hole life. the fats and figures are amazing. so ould ou please tr to use batteries onl hen it is neessar? if possible, give the used ones to the reling panies so that the ill be made into ne ones and on’t be able to pollute the environment an more. sometimes e bee plaent hen it es to reling, but hen ou speak in terms of atual fats and figures that everbod