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参芪降糖颗粒治疗2 型糖尿病的疗效观察.doc

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参芪降糖颗粒治疗2 型糖尿病的疗效观察.doc

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参芪降糖颗粒治疗2 型糖尿病的疗效观察.doc



文档介绍:参芪降糖颗粒治疗2 型糖尿病的疗效观察
陈彦(福建省立医院干部特诊二科 350001)
【摘要】目的为了进一步提高我院治疗糖尿病的临床疗效,本文就胰岛素抵抗患者的临床治疗进行了浅显的研究和探讨。方法选择我院自2011 年11 月至2012 年11 月期间收治的2 型糖尿病患者50 例,将其分为观察组(n =25)和对照组(n =25),分别予以中药参芪降糖颗粒治疗及盐酸二甲双胍治疗,观察和统计两组患者接受治疗前后空腹血糖、餐后2 小时血糖、糖基化血红蛋白、体重指数、治疗效果及满意度等方面的差异。结果观察组患者接受治疗前后血糖、糖基化血红蛋白、体重指数的改善效果明显优于对照组患者(P <);观察组患者治疗效果明显高于对照组患者(P <);观察组患者满意度明显优于对照组患者(P<)。结论中药治疗2 型糖尿病的临床效果显著,有效提高了治疗的安全性和可靠性,值得推广。
【关键词】参芪降糖颗粒 2 型糖尿病疗效观察
【中图分类号】 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2013)32-0139-02
【Abstract】Objective: to further enhance the clinical curative effect oftre ating diabetes, the insulin resistance in the clinical treatm entof patients and discussed the simple researc h. Methods: in our hospital from 50 type 2 diabeticpatients treated during 2011 November to 2012 November,divided into the observation group (n=25) and control group (n=25), were treated with traditional Chinese medicine Shenqi Jiangtang granule in treating and metformin treatment, observation and statiscs of the two groups of patients before and after treatme nt, fasting blood glucose, postprandial 2 hour blood glucose,glycosylated hemoglobin, body mass index, treatment effect and satisfaction differences. Results: the observation group patient s before and after treatment of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, body mass
indeximproved significantly better than the control grouppatients (P<); the