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WTOPCSvr 使用手册.doc

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WTOPCSvr 使用手册.doc

上传人:mh900965 2017/12/22 文件大小:100 KB


WTOPCSvr 使用手册.doc



文档介绍:WTOPCSvr DLL User’s Guide
The WinTECH Software Rapid Development DLL for OPC Servers, (WTOPCSvr), provides an easy to use API for integrating custom data with OPC. All the details and OPC are handled by the DLL, which allows an application to present data points to OPC at a high-level, without having to be concerned with the actual implementation of the underlying interfaces. The DLL may be easily integrated with existing applications, or new ones. All required OPC Interfaces are supported for both OPC and OPC Data Access Standards as well as the Browse Interface.
WTOPCSvr basically operates as a data librarian. The controlling application creates Process Tags by passing a name and value to the DLL. The DLL records the data point and makes it available to any OPC Client application by name. The controlling application may change the value of the data at any time, and all attached clients would be automatically notified. Callback notification is provided for any Process Tag that is modified by an OPC Client connection. (The application has control over which tags are OPC_WRITEABLE.)
WTOPCSvr now supports dynamic creation of OPC Tags. A callback function is supplied which returns control to the application if a client requests a tag that has not been previously defined. The application may in turn create the tag using the requested path and bination or ignore the request.

Creating a Custom OPC Server using
Installing the OPC Proxy DLL’s
The first step in creating an OPC Server is to obtain and install the OPC Proxy/Stub DLL’s from OPCFoundation ()
Download and upzip the proxy/stub files.
Copy , , , to the SYSTEM32 Directory. *Be sure not to overwrite any newer versions*
You will also need to download and install the OPC Server Browser Object supplied by the OPC Foundation. The OPC