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PART Ⅱ STRUCTURE & VOCABULARY (25 minutes, 15 points)
Section A ( point each)
Directions: Choose the word or words below each sentence that plete the statement, and mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.
16. He gave me a lot of help in my work, so I have to my ess to him.
A. grant B. ascribe
C. commit D. submit
17. It is well known that the first can only work hard planting young trees for a new business, while the following people may obtain the essful fruits.
A. practitioners B. amateurs
C. forerunners D. managers
18. The honest journalist has kept investigating that high rank official for a long time, and he felt very happy when that fellow’s corrupt scandal at last.
A. got to light B. stood in light
C. came to light D. looked in light
19. The Minister’s answer let to an outcry from the Opposition.
A. impressive B. evasive
C. intensive D. amusive
20. The old gentleman to be an old friend of his grandfather’s.
A. turned in B. turned over
C. turned up D. turned out
21. The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was not
for re-election.
A. admirable B. eligible
C. reliable D. capable
22. I feel very sad that the young man’s energetic initiative with nothing
in the experiment, for he me