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文档介绍:《Forrest Gump》
director:Robert Zemeckis
starring:Tom Hanks
Forrest Gump's childhood
Forrest Gump was born in a small town in Alabama. He had a congenital weak intelligence,and his IQ is only 75. Yet his mother is a strong-minded woman. She want to let the son live like other people. She often encourage Gump by saying “stupid is as stupid does”. God did not abandon Forrest Gump. He gave Gump a pair of fleet-footded legs,and a simple ,straight thought without evil.
Forrest Gump's experienment:
In the bus to school, Forrest and blond girl Jenny meet each other. Since then, on mom and Jenny's love, Forrest Gump began his endless running.
在上学的校车里,阿甘与金发小女孩珍妮相遇. 从此,在妈妈和珍妮的爱护下,阿甘开始了他一生不停的奔跑。
Forrest was born with strong legs but a crooked spine. He was forced to wear leg braces which made walking difficult and running near impossible.
One day, a group of bullies was throwing fruit at Forrest. Jenny told Forrest to just run away. As Forrest struggled to run, his leg braces broke apart. Then Forrest would never wear leg braces again, and was able to run everywhere he wanted to after that.
In secondary school, to escape from the classmate’s bullying , Forrest Gump ran into a football game of a school. So, he ran into the university. In the college, he was granted specially. And then he became a rugby star .Then he has received the President Kennedy's interview.
After graduating from college, at the instigation of a recruit, Forrest Gump participated in the Vietnam war. In a battle, his team was attacked secretly. Forrest Gump run away fast. But he fiercely think of his good friend Papua is running out. Immediately he ran back to save Papua. However, when Papua was rescued finally, he would never wake up.


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