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Lesson Si Death of a Pig.ppt

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Lesson Si Death of a Pig.ppt



文档介绍:Lesson Six Death of a Pig
I. Background information
1) The Norton Sampler: The text was selected from the Norton Sampler , 3rd Edition, edited by Thomas Cooley, New York and London :. Norton & Company,1985. The Norton Sampler is a rhetorically arranged collection of short essays position.
It echoes the cloth samplers once done in colonial America, presenting the basic patterns of writing for students to practice just as schoolchildren once practiced their stitches and ABCs on needlework samplers. The edition shows students that description, narration, and the other patterns of exposition are not just abstract concepts used position classrooms but are in fact the way we think—and write.
The Norton Sampler contains 63 carefully chosen readings—classics as well as more recent pieces, essays along with a few real-world texts—all demonstrating how writers use the modes of discourse for many varied Beautifully written, demonstrating its own lessons about good writing. Students will find the book accessible and inspiring.
2) E. B. White (1899-1985):
Leading American essayist and literary stylist of his time, White was known for his crisp, graceful, relaxed style. "No one can write a sentence like White," James Thurber once stated. White's stories ranged from satire to children's fiction. While he often wrote from the perspective of slightly ironic onlooker, he also was a sensitive spokesman for the freedom of the individual.
2. About Pigs
Why did E. B. White choose to write about a pig? Did his stories really happen? Read the answers in this letter, which he wrote to all kids everywhere shortly before his death.
Dear Reader:
As for Charlotte's Web, I like animals and my barn is a very pleasant place to be, at all hours. One day when I was on my way to feed the pig, I began feeling sorry for the pig because, like most pigs, he was doomed to die. This made me sad. So I started thinking of ways to save a pig's life.
I had been watching a big grey spider at her wo