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文档介绍:Unit1 How often do..exercise

(1)怎样,用什么手段,方法等How do e to school?
(2)提问身体健康状况How are you?
(3)how many,how much表示“多少”其中how much还可以表示钱数。how many后接可数名词复数,how much接不可数名词。How many pens do you want? How much water do we drink every day? How much are those pants?
(4)how often是对动作发生的“次数”进行提问,询问的是频率“多久一次”(有可能在完型中出题)
How often do you play tennis? How often do you surf the ?
(5)How old…?询问年龄How old are you?
(6)How about…?……如何?……怎么样?(后面要跟名词、名词性短语或动名词)How about going to the movies?
What time is it? I go to the movies three times a week.
注意“次数”的表达方法(注意构成)一次once,两次twice,三次或三次以上用基数词加上times:three times,三次
exercise v./
as for意为“就……而论;至于”(重要)
As for fruit,I eat it sometimes. As for him,I never want to see him here.
want to do sth. want do sth.
My mother wants me to drink it. I want you to help me with my math.
She says it's good for my health.
be good for…表示“对……有益(有好处) 其反义为:be bad for…对……有害/无益
Drinking milk is good for your health. Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.
try to do
I'll try to learn English well. I try to eat a lot of vegetables.
You must try to take more exercise.
Look afterI look after my health.
My brother is ill. I have to look after him today.
He often helps his mother look after his little sister.
help sb.(to)do (to大多都是省略)
My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. She often helps me learn math.
the same as…与……一样 Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different?
She looks the same as her sister.
I think I'm kind of unhealthy.
kind of=a little有点儿(重要短语);a kind of一种
Although he's ill,he goes to school on time.
keep in good health(重点掌握)=keep healthy=stay healthy
A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.
Keep quiet!The baby is sleeping. We must keep our classroom clean
That sounds interesting.


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