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文档介绍:Unit One Some Views on Writing
1. What Is Writing?
The dictionary defines writing as “relating munication by forming symbols on a surface with a pen, pencil, or other tool.” The key words here are relating munication. Written ideas are usually meant to pass on a message. Hennings and Grant, in their book Written Expression in the Language Arts, say that “writing is a way of making thoughts stand still…. It is oral language translated into a more permanent and at times a more structures from.” They go on saying that “writing requires the ability to listen, speak, read and think.”
Another way of defining writing is that it is thought transformed into a visual form. In other words, writing is a visual expression of ideas. The process of writing begins with an idea, and e from an individual’s reaction to events occurring within his environment and from within himself. By restructuring his perception, feelings, and knowledge, an idea is born and this is the substance of writing. Writing is the process of taking an idea from inside of one’s head and putting it into a code so that it can be shared with others.
An American writing teacher describes writing as “one of the plex intellectual and emotional processes a person engages in.” Or, stated another way, writing is plain hard work.
Elizabeth Cown Neeld qutoes Ralph Waldo Emerson’s journal from June of 1845. He said, “I go out one day and see the mason and carpenters busy with building a house, and I discover with joy the parallelism between their work and my construction e home glad to know that I too am a house builder.”
Building a house and writing have three main characteristics mon. First, when we build and when we write, we make something that was not there when we started. On our university campus, there is now a new building across the street from the Foreign Languages Department where two years ago there was an empty field of dirt. Similarly, today, before we began writing, this sheet of paper was blank and


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