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上传人:mh900965 2017/12/29 文件大小:27 KB





文档介绍:We wanna keep you posted here on a developing story out in California today. We have at least 4 major fires that are burning in central and southern California. The biggest one we were keeping an eye on is what they are referring to as the station fire .That's in LA County. It has ballooned overnight from a 5,000-acre fire to a 20,000-acre fire. People have been told to evacuate, at least 10,000 homes have been threatened. At least 900 homes we know of were evacuated yesterday. But more and more people are being urged to get out of there. Weather conditions not helping at all, actually firefighters are calling this "the perfect storm of bad" weather conditions that helped this spread.
Also this in California as well, police now searching the neighboring property of Phillip, Nancy Garrido. Though, the couple charged with abducting a girl in 1991, she was discovered alive just this past week. Investigators say they are looking for evidence linking the couple to other opening cases in the area.
Accusations of fraud could delay the official results from Afghan's national elections. Election officials tell our correspondent in Kabul that more than plaints are serious enough to affect the e of the August 20th vote in Afghanistan. Now preliminary results show incumbent president Hamid Karzai with a wide lead over his closest rival.
Also watching this, 7 people found dead at a mobil


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