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一年级体育课立定跳远教学设计(Teaching design of standing long jump in grade one physical education class).doc

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一年级体育课立定跳远教学设计(Teaching design of standing long jump in grade one physical education class).doc

上传人:ranfand 2017/12/30 文件大小:18 KB


一年级体育课立定跳远教学设计(Teaching design of standing long jump in grade one physical education class).doc


文档介绍:一年级体育课立定跳远教学设计(Teaching design of standing long jump in grade one physical education class)
The teaching design of standing long jump teaching in grade one physical education is designed as the homepage
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First grade physical education, standing long jump, teaching design
Li Li, Taoyuan primary school, Yingze District, Taiyuan, Shanxi
I. Analysis of teaching materials
Standing long jump is a full-pulsory education, primary school sports (grade 1~6) curriculum standards, "level 1", one of the content of the study area of physical hea