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文档介绍:The ponent of an Automobile
New words:
Comfortable adj. 舒适的,惬意的
Chassis n. 底盘,底架
Externally adv. 在外部,在外面
Airtight adj. 不透气的,气密的
Ignite v. 点火(燃),使燃烧
Spark n. 火花,火星
Fiercely adv. 剧(强)烈地,突然地
Expand v. 膨胀,扩张
Minimize v. 使减到最少, 使缩到最小
Dissipate v. 驱散,消散,扩散
Explosive adj. 爆炸性的,爆发的
Cylinder n. 汽缸,液压缸
Furnish vt. 供应,提供
Circulate ,(使)环行流
Destroy ,摧毁
Unused adj. 不用的,未(利,使)用的
Melt v. 熔化,使熔化(熔解)
Coolant n. 冷却剂,散热剂
Radiator n. 水箱,冷却器,散热器
Recirculation n. 再循环,prise vt. 包含,包括,由...组成
Clutch v.; n. 抓住(牢),离合器
Disconnect vt. 拆(分,脱,断)开
Engagement n. 啮(接)合,联接,约束
Stationary adj. 不动的,静止的,固定的
Install vt. 安装,设置,装配,安置
Varying adj. 变化的,改变的,pensate v. 补偿,赔偿
Constant a.; n. 恒(稳,固)定的,常数
Transfer v. 传递,传输,传送,转换
Skidding n. 打滑,滑移动,车轮滑动
Scuffing n. 带卷边部的折皱变形,塑性变形
Brake n. 制动器,刹车,制动装置
Decelerate v. 使减速,降低...的速度,减速行驶
Fender n. 挡泥板,翼子板,栏杆
Phrases and expressions
Convert…into (to)…把...转变(转化,改造)成
An bustion engine 内燃机
Air-fuel mixture 空气-燃油混合气
Motive power 驱动功率,推进力
Spark plug 火花塞
Oil pan 油底壳
Solid abrasive particles 固体磨粒 universal joint 万向节,万向接头
Derive…from…从...中得到 transfer…from…to
Drive line 动力传动系统(路线) 到(转换成)
In conjunction with…和...一起,连同...一起
To move forth and back 前后移(开,行)动
An automobile probably has about 7,000 different parts in it. Some of them make it fortable or better looking, but most of them are to make it run.
The three ponents of the automobile are the engine, chassis and body.
The engine converts the fuel energy into mechanical power. An bustion engine powers our modern automobile. The engine burns its fuel within the engine proper, pared to a steam engine where
the fuel is burned externally. The gasoline and air mixture of the bustion engine pressed by a piston inside an airtight cylinder and ignited by a spark. The trapped air-fuel mixture burns fiercely, causing tremendous heat which expands the trapped gases and pushes the piston down. This is the motive power of the automobile. The automobile eng


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