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Abstract - 1 -
A. Introduction - 2 -
B. The concept of Systems Engineering - 2 -
a) Systems engineering life cycle - 3 -
b) Methodological frameworks - 4 -
C. The application of Systems Engineering - 6 -
a) Background of logistic planning project - 6 -
b) Value system design - 7 -
c) Project management with PERT/CPM - 8 -
d) Decision Analysis - 11 -
e) Dynamic programming - 13 -
f) Management information system analysis - 15 -
D. Conclusion - 19 -
References - 20 -
This paper is based on the theories of systems engineering and principle for the application of the o industry logistics and distribution management information system in Chongqing. In the project, we will use systems engineering theory and method for the analysis and research.
Firstly, in the paper I will introduce four basic attributes which play basic roles to characterize in the system; then I will also talk simply about the framework of systems engineering consists of three dimensions: A logic dimension that consists of three fundamental steps; B time dimension that consists of three basic life cycle phases; C perspectives dimension that consists of three stages or life cycles.
Secondly, I will make the program as a whole system of the project, prehensive analysis of the value system design; Use critical path method based on the project schedule management and then use the method of system engineering, such as using the hall three dimensions structure analysis project process, management information system and divided based on the modeling of the whole; The decision analysis method of project decision-making management; the use of dynamic programming method to establish dynamic multi-objective programming model. Practice has proved, using the method of system engineering not only increase the project work efficiency, while also deepen the understanding of the content to the project itself, for future application to have the important meaning
key words Systems en