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游记 清迈之行.docx.docx

上传人:nmewfc 2015/4/29 文件大小:0 KB


游记 清迈之行.docx.docx



我们在这家当地餐馆享用了第一餐。我们吃了一种叫做Khao Soi的咖喱面。我觉得挺可口的,虽然全无卖相。此外令我颇为惊讶的是:清迈物价几乎与成都持平!
We wandered around the old city of Chiang Mai. There are many temples all around, or as they call it: wat. You have to take off your shoes before entering any wat. Make sure that you dress properly, which means no shorts or skirts! (poor me! I only have shorts...) Remember to bring a long dress or pants, otherwise you'll end up like me:
God, I walked like a geisha in a Thai temple. Just imagine that! And still, I almost ruined that shirt!
It's extremely hot between 12am and 3pm. It's better to stay indoor during that time of the day. Why not visit a museum?
At the three king monument, we happened to run into a ceremony for the princess's 60th birthday (I have no idea until a local told me about it!). So luckily, we havd a FREE night show to watch, which by the way, was awesome!
When the sun goes down, numerous food e out. I prefer to walk around trying different local snacks than go to a fancy restaurant to have a formal dinner. It's a lot of fun to try new foods (although their sweat&sour flavor was driving me crazy!).
Chiang Mai University is very famous. But to my disappoitment, they wouldn't let us walk around by ourselves. We had to take a bus tour which only lasted 30 minutes (that's lame!).
Doi Suthep Mountain is not far from Chiang Mai University. You can just hope onto a Song Theaw and it'll take you to the top of the mountain where the famous Wat Prathat Doi Suthep is locat


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