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文档介绍:中国沼气 China B iogas 2011, 29( 1) 29
焦翔翔, 靳红燕, 王明明
(北京盈和瑞环保工程有限公司, 北京

要: 我国秸秆资源丰富, 但目前利用率较低, 发展秸秆沼气是提高秸秆利用率的有效途径, 也是推动我国沼气
事业发展的必要选择。秸秆由于其自身性质, 造成沼气发酵过程中一系列的技术难题。目前普遍认为好的秸秆预
处理方式不但能克服这些难题, 还能有效地提高秸秆厌氧发酵的消化率和产气率。文章主要介绍了目前研究较多
的秸秆沼气预处理方式及其优缺点, 以及它们在我国沼气工程中的应用现状, 并对我国目前秸秆沼气预处理现状
做了总结, 对未来发展方向进行了展望。
关键词: 秸秆; 沼气; 厌氧发酵; 预处理
中图分类号: S216. 4
文献标识码: B
文章编号: 1000- 1166( 2011) 01- 0029- 06
R esearch Progress of S traw Pretreatm ent for Anaerobic Ferm en tation Produc ing B iogas in Ch ina / JIAO Xiang
JIN Hong
yan, WANG M ing
m ing / (B eijing Yinghuru i Environm ental Engineering co ltd, Be ijing 100097, Ch ina)
Abstrac t: Crop straw resources are abundant in Ch ina, but the utilization is low. Straw b iogas dev elopment is an e ffective
w ay to improve the u tiliza tion o f crop straw, and is a lso an essential cho ice to impe l the b iogas deve lopment. D ue to the na
ture of straw, there are a series of difficult techn ica l problem s in the b iogas ferm entation process. Currently, it is g enerally
accepted that a good way of straw pretreatm ent is the prem ise improv ing b iogas gene ration. T his paper m ainly in troduces
d ifferen t straw pre trea tm en tm ethods. The correspond ing advantages and disadvantag es and the ir app lications in biog as pro
ject w ere a lso introduced. Furtherm ore, the current s