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文档介绍:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金)
The father of ”The Lord of The Rings”

Reuel Tolkien (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 1892 on 1 year 3 ~ September 2, 1973, the British linguist, writer. He created a fantasy novel "The Lord of the Rings" The well-known trilogy. He called for JRR Tolkien.
Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. 4-year-old when his father died because his family and move back to England. 23-year-old in 1915 when Tolkien graduated from Oxford University, participated in the First World War. Tolkien suffering from “trench fever” and in the hospital until the end of World War II. It is this day in the hospital, he began his writing career first.
After the war, Tolkien became a linguist. He is a 1918 -1920 edition of the "New English Dictionary," the editorial board. However, he is more research to Anglo - Saxon language of that which makes his extensive contacts in Britain and the Nordic spread all over the folklore and mythology.
The beginning of Fantastic Journey of “The Lord of The Rings”
In 1937, pleted his first work "The Hobbit." Although this is a fairy tale, but it is also suitable for adults to read. This works because of good sales, publishers (Allen & Unwin) to convince the sequel to Tolkien writing. This has encouraged Tolkien plete his most famous works - the epic trilogy "The Lord of the Rings." The work of w