Differences of Parent-child Relationships in the
West and China
Abstract: Parent-child relationships play a great role in modern society for they influence
the education of children, the harmony of families, and the stability of society. Relationships
affected by different cultures between children and their parents from childhood to early
adulthood are different in the West and China, which causes different kinds of characters. In
this essay, parent-child relationships in the West and China will be contrasted to find out their
differences and why they are different. The parent-child relationship in the West tend to be
communicative equally, relatively independent and explicit. Discuss its reasons from Holy
bible, geography. The parent-child relationship in China tend to be obedient, or relatively
dependent, implicit. Explore its causes from Confucianism, especially filial piety.
Key words: Parent-child Relationship, the West, China, differences, cause
I. Introduction
According stages of psychosocial development, a person experiences eight stages from
birth to death. In each stage, some significant relationships affect the person’s growing up. For
example, the relationship between parents and kids is crucial in early childhood, the
relationship between family and children in preschool age. (Erikson, 2009) Therefore, man’s
behaviors, thinking