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文档介绍:文章编号: 1001 - 9081( 2012) 10 - 2793 - 05
doi: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1087. 2012. 02793
田素云* ,王小明,赵雪青( 陕西师范大学计算机科学学院,西安 710062) ( * 通信作者电子邮箱 tiansuyun926@ 126. com)
摘要: 通过分析偏微分方程( PDE) ,设计了基于拉普拉斯算子和图像修补的图像去噪算法用于处理被噪声污染的图像: ROF 调和拉普拉斯( RHL) 算法和 ROF 调和修补( RHI) 算法。通过分析图像的局部特征,结合 ROF 模型在处理图像时具有边缘保护能力,调和模型在处理图像平滑区域时能够避免产生“阶梯效应”和拉普拉斯算子具有增强细节信息的特点,设计了 RHL 算法; 在 RHL 算法的基础上,结合基于 PDE 的图像修补模型设计了 RHI 算法。实验结果表明,设计的 RHL 算法和 RHI 算法既克服了 ROF 模型、调和模型在去除图像噪声时的缺点,又结合了两者的优点,与其他基于 PDE 的算法相比,在去除图像噪声、处理图像平滑区域、保持图像边缘细节信息方面都有较好的性能。
关键词: 偏微分方程; 拉普拉斯算子; 图像去噪; ROF 模型; 调和模型
中图分类号: TP317. 4
文献标志码: A
Image denoising algorithms based on Laplacian operator and image inpainting
TIAN Su-yun* , WANG Xiao-ming, ZHAO Xue-qing
( School puter Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi an Shaanxi 710062, China)
Abstract: Through the analysis of Partial Differential Equation ( PDE ) , the image denoising algorithms based on
Laplacian operator and image inpainting were designed for the processing of the polluted image by noise: Rudin-Osher-Fatemi ( ROF) harmonical Laplacian algorithm and ROF harmonical inpainting algorithm, which were simply called RHL and RHI respectively. By analyzing the local features of the image, the ability of the ROF model in protecting image edges and the harmonical model in ing the "ladder effect", and the advantages of the Laplacian operator in enhancing edges, the first