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文档介绍:一、Sanafil防水系统施工方案 Sanafil water proofing system construction method statement
施工说明construction description
本项目屋面Sanafil防水系统构造层次为:压型钢板,,180mm厚岩棉板保温层(岩棉容重:180kg/m³),。The Sanafil water proofing system buildup for this project is: metal roof panel, thick PE damp proof layer, 180mm thick rockwool insulation layer (density: 180Kg/m3), thick polyester fiber reinforced PVC water proof membrane one layer.
保温层施工方案 Installation procedure for the insulation layer
屋面设置180mm厚岩棉板保温层,岩棉容重选取180kg/m³,分三层铺设,第一层为80mm厚岩棉板,第二、三层为50mm厚岩棉板,错缝铺设。There are 180mm thick rockwool insulation layer, the density of rockwool is 180kg/m3, it separated to 3 layers, the first layer thickness is 80mm, the 2nd and 3rd layer thickness is 50mm, the overlap joints shall be staggered.
保温层施工工艺:the construction procedure of insulation layer
The mechanical fastener: the fastener is an acid-base proof, high strength polypropylene bolt.
大面保温层铺设方法:massive installation procedure:
在已铺设完毕的隔气层上铺设岩棉保温板,铺设时上下两层保温板的板缝应错开,板缝错开间距宜大于15cm,同一层的保温板竖向板缝亦应错开,板缝错开间距宜大于30cm,个别部位错开15cm。install the rockwool insulation above the finished damp proof layer, the overlap joint shall be staggered for nearby layer, the distance between joints shall not less than 15cm,the vertical overlap joints shall be also staggered, and the distance shall more than , locally is also accepted.
保温层铺设一定面积后,安排施工人员固定岩棉,每块岩棉固定2个固定件,小于300*300mm的岩棉板可以固定1个固定件,每平米固定件约为3个,固定完毕后套管平面应与岩棉板表面平齐或略高于岩棉板表面1-2mm,检查固定件固定牢靠,确保每个固定件都固定到轻钢板基层上,。once the insulation has been placed into position and reached certain area, the worker shall start to fasten the rockwool, each rockwool shall be fixed with two fastener, rockwool panel smaller than 300*300mm can be fixed with one fastener only, there should be 3 fasteners for each one square-meter, the surface of fastener shall be flashed with the surface of rockwool, or only 1~2mm high


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