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格洛佩斯Walter Gropius.ppt

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格洛佩斯Walter Gropius.ppt



文档介绍:Walter Gropius. (German, 1883-1969)
American architect, industrial designer and teacher of German birth. He was one of the most influential figures in the development of the Modern Movement, whose contribution lay as much in his work as theoretician and teacher as it did in his innovative architecture. The important buildings and projects in Gropius’s career—the early factories, the plex at Dessau (1925–6), the Totaltheater project for Berlin, the housing estates and prefabricated dwellings—were all more than immediate answers to specific problems. Rather, they were a series of researches in which he sought prototypical solutions that would offer universal applicability. They were also didactic in purpose—concrete demonstrations, manifestos, of his theories and beliefs. His theories sought to integrate the individual and society, art and industry, form and function and the part with the whole. He left Germany for England in 1934; three years later he emigrated to the USA, where he continued to teach, write and design for the rest of his life.
Door Handles
Walter Gropius (German, 1883-1969) and Adolf Meyer (German, 1881-1929)
c. 1922. Nickel-plated brass, 2 3/8 x 7 3/4 x 6" (6 x x cm) mounted on wood base 10 x 4 3/4 x 3 3/8" ( x x cm). Manufactured by . Loevy, Berlin, Germany. Gift of Jo Carole and Ronald S. Lauder

Anbau Möbel, Entwurf: Walter Gropius, Prof. Dr.
Herbert Bayer (American, born Austria. 1900-1985)
Unknown. Letterpress, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4" ( x 21 cm). Jan Tschichold Collection, Gift of Philip Johnson. © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Anbau Möbel, Entwurf: Walter Gropius, Prof. Dr.
Herbert Bayer (American, born Austria. 1900-1985)
Unknown. Letterpress, 5 7/8 x 8 1/4" ( x 21 cm). Jan Tschichold Collection, Gift of Philip Johnson. © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Zeitungen ohne Schlagzeilen wie ein Mensch ohne Kopf


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