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/ ˏʌndəˈreɪt; ˏʌndɚˋret/ v [Tn] have toolow an opinion of (sb/sth) 对(某人[某事物])评价过低: underrate an opponent, achievement 对对手﹑成就评价过低* an underrated play, actor 受到贬抑的戏剧﹑演员* As an actor, he's seriously underrated. 他这个演员受到的评价过低. Cf 参看 overrate, underestimate
/ ˏʌndərˈestɪmeɪt; ˋʌndɚˋɛstəˏmet/ v [Tn] make too low an estimate of (sb/sth) 过分低估(某人[某事物]): underestimate the cost, danger, difficulty, etc of the expedition 对此次考察的费用﹑危险﹑困难等估计不足* I underestimated the time we needed by 30%. 我把我们需要的时间低估了30%. * Never underestimate your opponent, ie think that you will beat him easily. 千万不要低估对手. Cf 参看 overestimate, underrate.
> underestimate / -mət; -mɪt/ n estimate that is too low 低估: a serious underestimate of losses on the Stock Exchange 对在证券交易所中遭到的损失严重估计不足. Cf 参看 overestimate.
/ ˏəuvərˈestɪmeɪt; ˋovɚˋɛstəˏmet/ v [Tn] estimate (sth) to be bigger, higher, better, etc than it is 过高估计(某事物): I overestimated the amount of milk we'd need for the weekend. 我过高估计了我们周末的用奶量. * I overestimated his abilities he's finding the job very difficult. 我过高估计了他的能力--现在他觉得工作非常困难. Cf 参看 underestimate.
/ ˏəuvəˈreɪt; ˋovɚˋret/ v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] have too high an opinion of (sb/sth); put too high a value on 对(某人[某事物])评价过高: I think I overrated him; he can't handle a senior job. 我看我对他估计过高了, 他胜任不了高职位的工作. * He overrated his abilities as a salesman. 他对自己当推销员的能力评价过高. Cf 参看 underrate.
> overrated adj (derog 贬) having too high a value placed on it 评价过高的: I think his work is extremely overrated. 我认为对他的工作评价实在太高了. * an overrated film 评价过高的影片.
freak out
[PHRASAL VERB] V P, V n P, be V-ed P, also V P n (not pron)
If someone freaks out, or if something freaks them out, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.
I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked pletely...
I think our music freaks people out sometimes...
It sort of frightens me. I guess I am kind of freaked out by it.
(phr v) freak out (a) temporarily lose co


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