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宠物养护与美容 第四章宠物美容7.ppt

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宠物养护与美容 第四章宠物美容7.ppt



文档介绍:Future of Veterinary Teaching Hospitals
Veterinary Teaching Hospital Missions
The unique challenge of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital is to:
Remain financially viable while
enabling teaching and research,
all the while providing veterinary medical services to the public.
Jim Lloyd
Internships began in 1950-60’s, residencies in 1960-70’s.
Board certification became the norm for entry level clinical faculty positions in the 1970-80’s
Clinical Departments began to divide responsibilities into academic & hospital, and Hospital Directors began to be hired in the 1980-90’s
Veterinary Colleges became more dependent on hospital e in 1990-2000’s.
Discussion Forums on VTH Issues
AAVMC meeting – March, 2004
AAVMC Forum at AVMA meeting – July, 2004
AAVC/AAVMC/NAVCA meeting - March 12, 2005
AAVC Meeting – Atlanta, April 2005
AAVC Forum at ACVIM Annual Meeting– June 1, 2005
AAVMC Meeting – March 11, 2006
Problems Identified
Difficulty in faculty staffing of VTHs due to attraction of private practice
Funding of VTHs – revenue and gifts were probably the best future source of funding since an increase in central core funding was not likely,
Decreasing of state subsidies, and an increase in petition for cases and faculty
Too much red-tape in university for many specialists
Research, teaching, and service – hard to be good at all three, can be in direct conflict with each other. Some think there is a 4th mission – to teach business aspect of veterinary medicine
Increased reliance on tuition and fees, stagnant VTH revenues in some areas
State revenue as a % of total revenue for vet schools decreased from 55% to 33%
Average # of state-funded faculty positions has been static, some increase in non-state funded positions, at same time as increase in # of students
Decreasing to static applicant pool for vet students, suboptimal distribution of caseload (need more primary cases for teaching, too many tertiary cases)
Perception of faculty – stretched


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