原文:Tongling Photoeletri Industrial Park planning revie b experts The morning of Ma,Tongling photoeletri industrial park planning ill be assessed in five Matsuama Hotel.National Semiondutor Institute,Chinese Aadem of Sienes Institute of Semiondutors,Shanghai Fudan Universits optoeletronis industr experts ell-knon photoeletri industrial park near Tongling,long-term planning for aprehensive assessment of the planning sheme adopted b onsensus.In aordane ith the planning program,the main development industrial park in Tongling optial LED,semiondutor devies,solar batteries and related prodution equipment and testing,appliations,industries,and the formation of RD,prodution and sales of high-teh photoeletri industrial park.The park overs an area of about 3,500 ares,aording to modern professional standards for park-based planning and onstrution phases.Photoeletri Industrial Park this ears first plete the take