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本系统必须在增加基本信息之后才能增加软件项目信息。基本信息包括项目类型信息、项目状态信息、模块状态信息和模块缺陷信息等。ess,前台开发工具采用Visual Basic。
本系统采用比较流行的ADO 数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功的将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到系统设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。
关键词:软件项目管理系统 Access 数据库 Visual Basic
People, product, process and project are analyzed and managed by the active software project administration module (named as Software management system). It contains the project basic function, the software management module and the Software Defect Management. According to the scheduled cost, the rate of process and the quality, the system can defer to prearranges pletes the process smoothly.
In this system, the first thing is to add the basic information. Afterwards, it is to increase the software project information. The basic information is including the type of project information, project condition information, module condition information and module defective information. The background databases of the basic system is using the Access databases, whist the foreground development tools exploit Visual Basic.
This system uses the quite popular data access technology through ADO, and seals each database table field and the operation in the kind, thus it will eed the object-oriented programming thought to apply in the software. This also is this system characteristic and the superiority.
The Software management system take the demand as the management core. The management content is the duty, and the quality is for the management target realization project process management. The project from the demand establishment is the start, which track the progress by the duty which the pletes and inspect the standard with the quality control which the pletes. The system may realize the demand to arrive t


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